Friday, January 9, 2015

Environmentalists Are Becoming More Skeptical!

I must say I am surprised, but flattered, that I was recently listed as one of the 15 prominent environmentalists who became “climate skeptic converts” across the world. The list included: 

Margaret Thatcher 

Matt Ridley (one of my favorite science writers who wrote Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters and Nature via Nurture: Genes, Experience, & What Makes Us Human)

Patrick Moore cofounder of Greenpeace, 

Dr. Judith Curry a prominent climate scientists featured in Scientific American, 

James Lovelock who promoted the Gaia hypothesis, 

Daniel Botkin (a world-renowned ecologist, Professor (Emeritus), Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, UC Santa Barbara, and President of The Center for The Study of The Environment), 

Klaus-Eckart Pulsmeteorologist

Anthony Wattsmeteorologist and blogger

Fritz VahrenholtGerman environmentalist

Jean-Louis PinaultFrench hydrologists 

Jo Nova, Australia's top blogger

Mike Hasele, Scottish Skeptic blogger

Verity Jones 

Graham Strouts blogger

Partially re-blogged, so  please see original at…/…/converts-to-scepticism/