Thursday, September 23, 2021

How CO2 Saves the Earth: Greenhouse Gas have Vital Warming & Cooling Effects

Watch youtube video "How CO2 Saves the Earth".

While CO2 warming effects have raised earth's temperature to present levels, CO2's absorbed wavelengths are saturated. More CO2 will have reduced warming effects going forward. On the other hand, more CO2 increases collisions with O2 and N2 allowing those air molecules to release heat absorbed from conduction with the ground to be radiated back to space

Those cooling effects offset warming, reduce dangerous inversion layer heating, and maintain a balanced climate

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

"Sea Level and Thriving Komodo Dragons"

 My new video "Sea Level and Thriving Komodo Dragons"

In contrast to catastrophic speculation from climate models, and media hype, the scientific evidence reveals rising CO2 has NOT caused a dangerous rise in sea level and has NOT threatened Komodo Dragons with extinction

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Natural Diversity vs Climate Crisis Shape Shifting


Explores the false reporting in the paper "Shape-shifting: changing animal morphologies as a response to climatic warming" and details why bird beaks change shape that's unrelated to a climate crisis

Natural Diversity vs Climate Crisis Shape Shifting

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Germany's Tragic 2021 floods and misinformation from Orwellian Science NewSpeak

WATCH "Germany's Tragic 2021 floods and misinformation from Orwellian Science NewSpeak"

Video reveals the natural weather dynamics that undeniably caused the deadly July 2021 flooding in Germany and clearly refutes any causal connection to global warming