What oddly seems to surprise so many people, reality can
quickly disagree with the hypotheses and speculative models of scientists.
The polar bear is a rich case in point. In 2008,
the polar bear was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act as a
result of the Center for Biological Diversity’s (CBD) petition. Due to
hypotheses regards future effects of increasing CO2 on sea ice and polar bear
health, CBD argued polar bears were endangered. However then Interior Secretary
Kempthorne made it clear that “
the ESA will not be used as a
tool for trying to regulate the greenhouse gas emissions blamed for creating
climate change.” But as seen in other
memos and petitions, such as for the bearded
seals, the CBD ultimately wants to use the ESA as a
tool to regulate CO2.
So the
stepped up their demands and petitioned the Obama administration to list the
bears as endangered. Climate scientists Ken Caldeira and Michael Mann co-authored
2010 letter to Interior Secretary Salazar supporting CBD efforts. They
warned “
sea ice has been projected
to disappear in the 2030s or before” and lost sea ice was both a future and
“current threat to this important habitat of the polar bear.” The Polar
Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) led by researchers like Andrew Derocher, Steve
Amstrup and Ian Stirling warned the world that “two thirds of the world’s bears
will be lost by mid-century due to climate change”.
The PBSG published a status table for all the
polar bear sub-populations showing in the best studied populations, 8 were
However, since 2010 those predictions have been unravelling. All the
evidence now reveals polar bears are thriving and increasing, and the PBSG’s recent
status tables show just that. Research by
Chambellant and
determined it was
heavy springtime ice
that was most detrimental to bears and their main prey, the ringed seal. The
loss of Arctic summer sea ice was happening faster than CO2 driven models had
predicted, suggesting flawed models. Research revealed that in response to the
Arctic Oscillation, thick sea ice had been blown into the warmer Atlantic
due to a directional shift in freezing winds. Further loss of Arctic sea ice
has recently been shown to be caused by cycles of intruding waters from the
Pacific and the
resulting in heat in that gets stored in the subsurface of the Arctic Ocean,
dynamics that have not been accurately incorporated into global climate models.
Accordingly, the loss of sea ice has not
accelerated. Instead the loss has slowed considerably.
Skeptics argued such evidence challenges prevailing hypotheses about the polar
bears’ demise, and question the contention that greenhouse gases are the
primary cause of sea ice fluctuations. Driven by the hubris of scientists like
Michael Mann whose careers are totally invested in the “
predictions” of rising CO2, the normal scientific process of challenging a hypothesis
was framed as an “attack on science”.
Again in 2010, in the paper
Climate Change and
the Integrity of Science Peter Gleick wrote, “
We are deeply disturbed by
the recent escalation of political assaults on scientists in general and on
climate scientists in particular. Accompanying his paper (below) was a photo-shopped
picture of a polar bear stranded on a shrinking piece of ice. A deception that
skeptics quickly pointed out.
So the following correction
was placed in the paper’s online version.
“Due to an editorial error, the
original image associated with this Letter was not a photograph, but a collage.
The image was selected by the editors [of Science, the journal of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science]
, and it was a mistake to have used it. The original
image has been replaced in the online HTML and PDF versions of the article with
an unaltered photograph from National Geographic.”
That replacement picture (below) was from National
Geographic photographer Paul Nicklin, who would become infamous for
specializing in dead and skinny polar bear photos. If Gleick or his editors were
pulling photos from an archive (National Geographic?) of photographs, then the question
arises if the fake collage was also the work of the same photographer. And if
so, for what purpose were they creating such a dishonest photo? The timing of
the article and fake photo also raised suspicions from skeptics as it coincided
with the Center
for Biological Diversity’s campaign to up-list the polar bear from
threatened to endangered,
NIcklen's photo used by Gleick |
Despite having “carelessly” used a fake photo,
Gleick was anointed the Chairman of the new task force on “scientific
ethics and integrity” for the American Geophysical Union
in 2011. Leading
by example, in 2012 Gleick was outed in a flagrant attempt to anonymously smear
the Heartland Institute’s climate skepticism by disseminating documents
dishonestly obtained, including a damning but forged memo. Quickly identified
by internet skeptics, Gleick finally confessed.
Although the forged document was only being disseminated by Gleick, he denied
any hand in forgery, and there was not enough evidence to convict him of
forgery. In a KQED
interview, Michael Mann, likely motivated by self-protection, downplayed
Gleick’s underhanded actions as “poor judgement”. Mann then argued the release
of the climate-gate emails, emails that had exposed Mann’s own underhanded
methods, was a more dastardly deed. To this day, it is still unknown if the
release of climate gate emails were the work of a whistle-blower or a hacker.
However, consistent with Mann’s efforts to promote polar
bears as an icon of catastrophic global warming, Mann
expressed no concern about Gleick’s fake polar bear
picture. Indeed Mann was actively trying to pull on heart strings by mewing in
“When I ventured up to Hudson
Bay in mid-November and saw the undernourished polar bears with their cubs,
sitting around at the shore of the Hudson Bay, waiting for the then
month-overdue sea ice to arrive so they could begin hunting for food, it
suddenly came home for me. For the first time in my life, I actually saw
climate change unfolding before my eyes. It was a sobering moment, and one I’ll
never forget.”
In contrast to such storytelling,
the unpublished research data from Stirling and Lunn, determined polar bear’s
Body Condition Index for Hudson Bay bears had been improving since 1998 (in
and Cycles, p. 217). Improving body condition was also consistent with the
increasing number of Hudson Bay bears estimated in subsequent surveys.
Susan Crockford runs the
website polarbearscience.com, that
aggregates the most up-to-date, peer-reviewed science and media releases by
polar bear researchers. For example, Crockford reported
the latest survey showing a healthy rebounding Western Hudson Bay population,
months before the Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) researchers publicized the
increase. The PBSG had incorrectly predicted a dramatic decline in Hudson Bay
bears, so their tardiness to expose their own shortcomings is understandable. Crockford
also reported
the lack of consensus among polar bear researchers. While Enviornment Canada
agreeed with the latest survey that estimated a healthy 1030 Western
Hudson Bay bears, PBSG alarmist Andrew Derocher was actively pushing a much
lower estimate of 800 bears to the media and suggesting the bears were doomed. This
too is understandable as Derocher was invested in his earlier predictions that
“by the middle of this century, two-thirds of the polar bears will be gone from
their current populations”
Nonetheless despite mutiple
surveys suggesting polar bear abundance was and is increasing, others tried to
deny the evidence and suggest bears were starving and still on the brink of extinction.
In 2015, photos by Kerstin Langenberger and once again by Paul Nicklin were
pumped on social media, suggesting bears were
suffering from a climate catastrophe. Who were these photographers?
Greenpeace activist Kerstin Langenberger's skinny polar bear photo |
The dying bear above was put on Facebook by
Kerstin Langenberger whom internet articles referred to as just a German
But a little digging revealed
she is a Greenpeace activist, which is consistent with her catastrophic
narratives that accompanied her photo and contradicted our best science. She
“With the pack ice retreating further and further north every year, they tend
to be stuck on land where there’s not much food,” and “many times I have seen
horribly thin bears, and those were exclusively females – like this one here”
once I have seen a bear getting a big fat ‘5,’ but several times I have seen
dead bears and bears like this one: a mere ‘1’ on the scale, doomed to death.”
[polar bears’ body condition is often rated from 1(dangerously thin) to 5
(fat)]. (Amstrup has written polar bears usually head inland when sick, so there are questions about the photo's authenticity)
However contradicting Langenberger’s narrative, Norwegian
Polar Institute researcher Kit Kovacs
there’s reason to question claims that the number of animals experiencing such
hardships is increasing. Our monitoring work indicates that (on-average) bears
in the Svalbard population have NOT declined in condition over the last two
decades – based on male body masses and fat levels”. Similarly, in the South
Beaufort Sea population,
body condition had improved despite reduced summer ice.
NIcklen's Dead Bear in Svalbard Photo |
Also in 2015, Nicklin posted his photo of a dead bear that went
viral. Journalist Andrew Freedman promoted the picture in
writing, “Global warming may have led to the death of this polar bear.” Presenting
a thin veneer of objectivity, he quotes polar bear researcher Ian Stirling who
suggested that Nicklen’s photo shows a bear that
most likely, but not
certainly, died as a result of starvation related to sea ice melt. But
Stirling’s remarks must be taken with a grain of salt as there is absolutely no
evidence to support why the bear died. Furthermore, Stirling has appeared
slightly schizophrenic lately as has been
For example despite his
showing cycles of heavy spring ice had been most detrimental to seals and
and Derocher’s review of polar bear “science” used the very same research to
falsely imply that less summer ice was the problem.
In contrast to those 2015 photos, Crockford’s website
was one of the few places where scientific reports of a healthy bear population
could be found. Contradicting Langenberger and Nicklin’s story-telling of dead
bears strewn across Svalbard due to climate change, Crockford posted links to actual
researchers from the Norwegian Polar Institute who reported fat bears in Svalbard.
“The polar bears on Svalbard is round and full,
thanks to a good [ice year] and good hunting opportunities.” And “… Polar bears were fat, many looked like pigs”,
says polar researcher at the Norwegian Polar Institute, Jon Aars to the High North News. Furthermore the Svalbard bears are part of the Barent Sea population and
in 2017
Crockford relayed the most recent survey data showing Barent Sea Bears have
been increasing. But such facts don’t have the emotional appeal as Nicklin’s fanciful
pictorial story telling.
PBSG 2010 Polar Bear Sub-populations Status |
The Polar Bear Specialist
Group (PBSG) had created a status table in 2009 to illustrate the trends of
each polar bear population. Above is their 2010 version.
The trends are boldly shown in red for declining and
green for stable or increasing populations. Eight populations were believed
to be declining of which 6 were considered very likely to decline further. Only
3 populations were considered stable and only 1 was increasing.
These declining PBSG estimates also went viral,
and websites such as the one run by psychologist John Cook, who is now part of
the well-funded
for Climate Change Communication, posted an
concluding, “Current analysis of subpopulations where data is sufficient
clearly shows that those subpopulations are mainly in decline” and thus support
the ESA listing of polar bears as threatened.
In contrast in Landscapes
and Cycles I documented how bear populations since 2010 were definitely increasing
based on latest research.That analyses has been confirmed while earlier PBSG
hype of declining populations and speculation of coming extirpations have not
survived the test of time.
Fortunately Susan Crockford’s
Polar Bear Science blog has continuoulsy discussed population trends as reported
by bear experts plus PBSG’s status updates. While the PBSG removes their old
tables, Crockford’s website serves as an archive that allows the public to
readily witness how the bears have been increasing. For example the 2014 table (below)
revealed the good news that only 3 of the past 8 populations were still declining,
one was still increasing, and the stable populatons had doubled to 6.
Oddly in 2017 the PBSG
eliminated the trends from their population table.
The most likely reason for this omission would be that none of the bear
populations are currently declining. Every population would be green or data
deficient. Despite rising CO2 and reduced summer sea ice, polar bears are doing
quite well and that contradicted the their predictions.
Of the 3 previously declining
populations listed in their 2014 status report, the Baffin Bay population has
now increased from 1,546 in 2004 to 2,826 in the most recent survey. The Kane
Basin bears, that suffer from heavy ice, were estimated at 167 in 1997 but rose
to 357 in 2014. The South Beaufort Sea population estimation remained unchanged
but this population has been heavily criticized for poor
analyses of mark and recatpure data.
PBSG 2014 Polar Bear Sub-populations Status |
In the face of rapid increases in the Baffin Bay bear
population, a social media splash of Nicklin’s starving bear on Baffin Island
appears to be another orchestrated attempt to resuscitate the failing claim
that climate change is killing bears.
Geographic who sponsored Nicklin reports by
the story of one polar bear, Nicklen hopes to convey a larger message about how
a warming climate has deadly consequences.”
The NY Times pushed the video with similar headlines:
of Starving Polar Bear ‘Rips Your Heart Out of Your Chest’. The Washington
Post hyped the bear as evidence of an environmental disaster with the
stood there crying’: Emaciated polar bear seen in 'gut-wrenching' video and
photos. If you searched the
internet for an objective scientific examination, oddly no matter how many
variations of “starving polar bears” are queried Google’s first link brings up the
WWF’s plea for money to save the bears, and perhaps a violation of net
who advertises itself as a fact-checker of truth, rated Nicklin’s starving bear
video as “TRUE”. But Snopes’ bias is revealed by its discussion on the photo’s
relevance, which pushes catastrophic climate change speculation. Snopes quotes
polar bear researcher Steve Amstrup, who’s has flipped flopped on several bear
issues over his career and whose “
model” has been severely criticized by colleagues in released emails.
promotes the starving bear photo on his website, again with the obligatory thin
veneer of objectivity stating, “we cannot say, from the footage captured here,
that this bear’s malnutrition was caused by global warming and its associated
sea ice loss”. He then launches his speculative catastrophic message, “The
problem is that an ever-warmer future means polar bears will have less and less
access to their seal prey, so the rate at which bears die from
malnutrition/starvation will increase. So, regardless of the proximate cause of
this bear’s condition, this heart-wrenching footage provides us with a warning
about the future.” Yet not a word about the survey of Baffin Bay bears robustly
increasing from 1,546 in 2004 to 2,826 today.
Nicklen's 2017 Starving Bear Photo from Baffin Island |
Amstrup and Mann are facing an embarrassing professional
dilemma. With all the polar bear populations increasing or stable, their
predictions that two-thirds of the polar bears will be gone by the middle of
this century appears destined for utter failure. They had to do something. Otherwise
who would trust a doctor whose past diagnoses were absolutely wrong. So, Harvey,
Stirling, Amstrup, Mann and a professor of psychobabble Stephan Lewandowsky,
banded together as coauthors of the paper Internet
Blogs, Polar Bears, and Climate-Change Denial by Proxy that fortuitously
gets publicized alongside NIcklin’s starving bear hype.
Their paper acknowledges observations that polar bears have
yet to be harmed writing, “Although the effects of warming on some polar-bear
subpopulations are not yet documented
and other subpopulations are apparently still faring well.” But they then confuse speculation with proven facts
by suggesting “the fundamental relationship between polar-bear welfare and
sea-ice availability is well established.” Clearly the growing bear populations
present an undeniable challenge to any belief in the “requirement” of summer
Their paper argued, “a growing body of scientific research
reports the wide array of negative effects of AGW on biodiversity” by citing
Parmesan whose
claims about the negative effects of climate change on wildlife are well
Harvey, Stirling, Amstrup
and Mann confuse speculative hypotheses with “fundamental relationship”.
Published observations have shown
springtime ice is more harmful for seals and bears. Observations by
determined that reduced ice, whether natural or anthropogenic,
has increased phytoplankton productivity and
bolstered the Arctic food web, while fishery
find that less ice and warmer temperatures increase Arctic cod abundance that
is required to sustain the seals that sustain the bears.
Because skeptic websites like Crockford’s
polarbearscience.com, Anthony Watts’ WUWT, and many others are the best source for
alternative explanations that challenge catastrophic hypotheses, they are
denigrated by these supposed objective scientists. As mounting evidence continues
to turn against their prior polar bear predictions Harvey, Stirling, Amstrup,
Mann and Lewandowsky’s were running low on scientific ammunition. So now they
chose to publish a paper, solely aimed at shooting the messengers. They offered
no scientific facts about polar bears that contradicted anything Crockford had
published. Their arguments were based solely on the fallacy of authority,
authorities whose predictions are failing.
Their paper is nothing more than a smear campaign hoping to suppress the
upwelling call for more debate. Such tactics, tactics that try to obscure any evidence
that challenges a failing hypothesis, are the real attacks on the scientific
process. That is why Mann has been labeled by some as a
to the profession.
And whether or not Nicklin’s latest wretched polar bear
photo is part of an orchestrated attempt to resuscitate their failed
predictions, the media hype reveals that such photos, taken out of context, are
worth a thousand lies.