The Arctic
Iris Effect, Dansgaard-Oeschger Events,
and Climate Model Shortcomings.
from Climate Past - part 1.
Dansgaard Oeschger Events and the Arctic Iris
During the
last Ice Age, Greenland’s average temperatures dramatically rose on average
every 1500 years by 10°C +/- 5°C in a just
matter of one or two decades, and then more gradually cooled as illustrated in
Figure 1 below (8 of the 25 D-O events
are numbered in red on upper graph; from Ahn 2008). These
extreme temperature fluctuations between cold “stadials” that lasted about a
thousand years and warm “interstadials”
lasting decades are dubbed Dansgaard-Oeschger events (D-O events). These rapid
temperature fluctuations not only rivaled the 100,000‑year fluctuations between
maximum glacial cold and warm interglacial
temperatures but D‑O warm events coincided with expanding Eurasian forests (Sánchez Goñi
2008, Jimenez-Moreno
2009), northward shifts of subtropical currents
along the California coast (Hendy 2000), and
shifts in belts of precipitation in northern South America (Peterson 2001).
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Dansgaard Oeschger Events |
Just 25 years ago most climate researchers
were hesitant to accept initial Greenland ice core evidence suggesting such abrupt
D‑O warming events (Dansgaard 1985). But as
other Greenland ice cores verified their reality, it was clear that the only
mechanism realistically capable of producing such abrupt warming was the sudden
removal of insulating sea ice that allowed ventilation of heat previously
stored in the Arctic as Dansgaard (1985) had first proposed. Still that begged
the question ‘what caused the sudden loss of insulating sea ice’?
Changes in CO2 concentration are unlikely to
have had much impact on D‑O events (3rd graph from the top in Figure
1). CO2 concentrations did fluctuate by about 20 ppm during a third of the D-O
events (red numbers), but could contribute directly to no more than 0.4°C to only 30% of the largest warming events. In contrast during 68% of the other D-O
events (not numbered), abrupt warming occurred while CO2 was declining. Thus rapid warming and cooling seems
independent of any CO2 forcing.
Abrupt D‑O warming and cooling suggested to researchers
(Broecker 1985) that the
Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Circulation (AMOC) turned “on” and “off”. Based
on the misleading belief in the existence of a simplistic “ocean conveyor belt”
(Wunsch 2007), researchers
incorrectly interpreted a lack of deep-water formation as evidence of a lack of
warm water flowing into the Arctic. However based on increasing proxy evidence
(Rasmussen 2004, Ezat 2014), it is now
understood that the inflow of warm Atlantic Waters never “shut off” but
continued to enter the Arctic and warmed the subsurface layers. As seen in
Figure 2 (from Itkin 2015) the upper layer of fresh water and the halocline insulate the
warm Atlantic water from the overlying ice. Together the thick sea ice and polar mixed layer simply “turn
off“ any heat flux from the ocean to the air, thus maintaining cold stadial air
temperatures. Furthermore if the salty Atlantic Water cannot be cooled by the
cold Arctic air, then North Atlantic Deep Water is shut off as well.
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Basic Vertical Structure of Arctic Ocean |
Although climate models have failed to
simulate D‑O events, models were manipulated to shut off poleward heat
transport by prescribing ad hoc floods of freshwater. As long as freshwater “hosing”
was applied, the models prevented the cooling and sinking of North Atlantic
waters, which shutoff the deep water formation and thus “ocean conveyor belt”
resulting in contrived cooling. That
interpretation became the reigning paradigm and researchers began searching for
evidence of a flood of freshwater, while nearly every model engaged in “hosing”
experiments to explain abrupt climate change. But evidence of the required freshwater
flooding has yet to be found and a growing wealth of proxy evidence suggested there
was as much freshwater during stadials as there was during interstadials. Even the
notion of freshwater floods from an armada of melting icebergs was not
consistent with the timing of D‑O events (Barker 2015). Freshwater
shutdown of the Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Circulation is most likely just a
figment of the models’ configuration.
Other researchers suggested drivers of past and present rapid temperature change were likely to
be very similar (Bond 2001, 2005), and
recent findings are now supporting that notion. More recent explanatory
hypotheses for D‑O events are gaining widespread critical acceptance and do not
require any massive floods of freshwater nor a shutdown of the AMOC (Rasmussen 2004, Li 2010, Peterson 2013, Dokken 2013, Hewitt 2015). When sea ice prevents heat ventilation, the inflow of warm and
dense Atlantic Waters continues to store heat in the subsurface layers. As heat
accumulated, the warm Atlantic Waters became more buoyant, upwelled and melted
the insulating ice cover. The loss of an insulating ice cover “turns on” the
heat flux causing a dramatic rise in surface temperatures to begin the D‑O
interstadial. Although details of hypothesized
D‑O mechanisms vary slightly, they all agree on the ability of growing and
shrinking sea ice to affect the heating and cooling of the northern hemisphere.
I refer to this sea ice control of heat ventilation the Arctic Iris Effect.
The signature of an Arctic Iris Effect is the opposing temperature trends in the ocean
versus atmosphere: when ice is removed,
warmer air temperatures coincide with cooler ocean temperatures. When ice
returns cooler air temperatures coincide with a warmer ocean. The thicker the
sea ice, as during the last Ice Age, the longer the period between ventilations
such as the D‑O events. Thick sea ice is less sensitive to small changes in insolation
and/or natural variations of inflowing Atlantic Waters. As discussed in Hewitt 2015 decreases in the freshwater layer that separates sea ice from the
warm Atlantic Waters are also likely critical contributors to D‑O events. For
example as the Laurentide Ice Sheet grew, sea levels fell shutting of the inflow
of fresher Pacific water through the Bering Strait, coinciding with an increased
frequency between D‑O events from 8 thousand to 1.5 thousand years.
Peterson 2013 suggested that
in addition to thick multiyear sea ice, ice shelves were critical for maintaining
the longer cold stadials by better resisting small oscillations of increased inflow
of Atlantic Water. Likewise with the current reduction of Arctic ice shelves and
reduced multiyear sea ice during our present interglacial, much smaller changes
in insolation and/or Atlantic inflow could more easily initiate ventilation
events. With smaller time spans between each ventilation event, less heat
accumulates and warm spikes are more muted (1°C to 2°C) compared to 10°C +/- 5°C during the D‑O interstadials. Over the past 6000 years, decades of
rapid ice loss resulted in 2°C to 6°C air temperatures warmer than today quickly followed by centuries
of colder temperatures and more sea ice (Mudie 2005).
The 20th century ventilation events
produced only a 1°C to 2°C increase yet the signature of the Arctic Iris Effect is still observed.
In 2001, Dr. Vinje of the Norwegian Polar Institute reported on the opposing temperature effects as ice retreated in the
Nordic Seas. Between 1850 and 1900 there was a rapid warming of 0.5°C ocean temperatures between 1850 and 1900 with very little change
in atmospheric temperature. Then they reported, “The warming event during the
first decades of this century is characterized by a significant decrease in the Nordic Seas’ April ice
extent, an increase of ~3°C in the Arctic surface winter temperature, averaged over the circumpolar zone between 72.5° and 87.5°N, and an increase in the Spitsbergen mean winter temperature of
as much ~9°C. During this warming event the temperature in the ocean was lower than
An increasing preponderance of positive ice extent anomalies, with an
optimum in the 1960s, is observed during the period 1949–66, concurrent with a
cooling in the circumpolar zone of ~1°C, a fall in the Spitsbergen mean
winter temperature of ~3°C, and an increase in the mean winter air pressure in the western
Barents Sea of ~6 hPa. During this cooling event the temperature in
the ocean was higher than normal.” [Emphasis
Similarly the most recent Arctic warming again
reveals the fingerprint of the Arctic Iris Effect. There was no atmospheric warming
in Arctic when there was an insulating cover of multiyear sea ice. Measurements
between 1950 and 1990 reported a cooling Arctic atmosphere prompting
researchers to publish, “Absence Of Evidence For Greenhouse Warming Over The Arctic Ocean
In The Past 40 Years”. They concluded, “This discrepancy suggests that present
climate models do not adequately incorporate the physical processes that affect
the Polar Regions.”
Abruptly rapid Arctic warming began in the 1990s
with an initial loss and thinning of Arctic sea ice when the Arctic Oscillation’s
shifted wind directions and below‑freezing winds from Siberia pushed multiyear
ice out of the Arctic. Rigor 2002 correctly pointed
out, “One could ask, did the warming of SAT [Surface Air Temperatures] act to
thin and decrease the area of sea ice, or did the thinner and less
expansive area of sea ice allow more heat to flux from the ocean to warm the
atmosphere?” They concluded, “Intuitively, one might have expected the warming
trends in SAT to cause the thinning of sea ice, but the results presented in this
study imply the inverse causality; that is, that the thinning ice has warmed
SAT by increasing the heat flux from the ocean.” [Emphasis
Added] That conclusion has been further
supported by recent analyses of ocean heat content by Wunsch and Heimbach 2014, two of the world’s premiere ocean scientists from Harvard and
MIT. They reported the deep oceans are cooling suggesting the oceans and atmosphere are still not in equilibrium
and oceans are still ventilating heat from below 2000 meters that was stored long
ago. Also in their map
illustrating changes in the upper 700 meters of the world’s oceans (their
Figure shown below), we see the entire Arctic Ocean has cooled between 1993 and
2011, as would be expected from the Arctic Iris Effect. Keep in mind that the
warm layer of Atlantic water on average occupies the depths between 100 and 900
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Change in upper 700 meters Ocean Heat Content 1993 t0 2011 |
The Earth’s Energy Budget
The Earth’s energy budget depends on a
balance between absorbed solar radiation and outgoing infrared radiation. While
some atmospheric scientists have focused on a possible energy imbalance created
by 2 watts/m2 generated by rising CO2, widespread regions of the
ocean absorb and ventilate over 200 watts/m2 of heat each year. As
illustrated in Figure 3 (from Liang 2015), the
oceans absorb heat (blue shades, in watts/m2) along the equator and over the
upwelling zones along the continents’ west coast. Intense tropical insolation and
evaporation creates warm dense salty waters that sink below the surface storing
heat at depth. Changes in insolation, tropical cloud cover, and ocean
oscillations like El Nino affect how much heat the oceans absorb or ventilate. Excess
heat absorbed in the tropics is transported poleward. To gain a proper
perspective on the importance of heat transport from the tropics to the poles,
currently Polar Regions average 30°C colder than the equator. If there was no heat
transport, the poles would be 110°C colder than the tropics (Gill 1982, Lozier 2012).
On average, the greatest ventilation of ocean
heat happens where heat transportation is most concentrated: along the east
coast of Asia over the Kuroshio Current and along east coast of North America
along the Gulf Stream. Additionally large amounts of heat are also ventilated over
Arctic’s Nordic Seas region, a focal point of the Arctic Iris Effect. A
comparison of the temperature changes at varying ice core locations from
southeast to northwest Greenland, points to this North Atlantic region as the main
source of heat ventilated during each D‑O event (Buizert 2014). Likewise modeling
work (Li 2010) shows that
reduced ice extent in this region exerts the greatest impact on Greenland
temperatures and snow accumulation rates. And it is in this same region that
Vinje 2001 reports the greatest reduction in ice cover coinciding with the rapid
changes in Greenland’s instrumental data. While CO2 warming would predict the
greatest rate of Greenland warming in the most recent decades, the Arctic Iris
effect would predict a greater rate of warming in the 1920s because thick sea
ice from the Little Ice Age would have caused a greater accumulation of heat.
Indeed Chylek 2005 reported, “the rate of warming in 1920–1930 was about 50%
higher than that in 1995–2005.”
Climate Model Shortcomings
In 2008 leading climate scientists
at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit published Attribution Of Polar Warming To Human Influence. As seen in their
graph below, their models completely failed to account for the 2°C Arctic warming
event observed from 1920 to the 1940s, (illustrated by the black line labeled “Obs”
for observed). This was a warming event
that climate scientists called “the most spectacular event of the century” (Bengtsson 2004). Their modeled
results of natural climate change grossly underestimated the 40s peak warming
by ~0.8° C, and simulated a flat temperature trend throughout the 20th
century as illustrated by the blue line labeled “NAT” for natural. More
striking when the models added CO2 and sulfates, the modeled results (red line
labeled all) cooled the observed warming event further. Despite their failure
to model natural events they concluded, “We find that the
observed changes in Arctic and Antarctic temperatures are not consistent with
internal climate variability or natural climate drivers alone, and are directly
attributable to human influence.”
However their
results only demonstrated that their models failed to account for natural climate
change, the Arctic Iris Effect and ventilation of ocean heat during the 1930s
and 40s. By all accounts the recent
warming of the 1990s and 2000 was likewise a ventilation event that also cooled
the upper layers of the Arctic Ocean. The failure to model ventilated heat
events led to incorrectly attributing that warming to increasing concentrations
of CO2. That failed modeling
further led to explanations that reduced albedo effect allowed greater absorption
of summer insolation, warming the Arctic Ocean and amplifying temperatures. But
observations show the ocean has cooled. Like the 40s peak, it is likely 1990s/2000s ventilation similarly
contributed a minimum of ~0.8° C to the recent rise in Arctic temperatures, and
probably much more as the greater reduction in sea ice extent has allowed for
much more ventilation.
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Failed Climate Model and Warm Arctic Events |
If climates models are correctly
configured, they should be able to reproduce both D‑O events and the 1940s
ventilation events. We don’t expect model perfection, but turning a massive warming
event into a below average cool period is unacceptable. When the modeling community simulates
the Arctic Iris Effect more accurately, only then will their attribution of polar
warming to human vs. natural factors be trustworthy! Until then all the natural
factors - lower insolation with reduced Atlantic inflow, cooler oceans,
negative North Atlantic Oscillation, and increasing multiyear ice – all suggest
the current ventilation event will soon come to a close. But the return to
cooler surface temperatures and more sea ice has always been much slower than
the abrupt warming. When sea ice is reduced, the winds are suddenly able to mix
the ocean’s fresher upper layer with the saltier lower Atlantic Waters disrupting
the halocline. But once the halocline and upper layers of freshwater are
restored, the cooling is rapid.
In contrast, those who attribute Arctic
warming to rising CO2 predict a continued sea ice death spiral. And those who also
suggest global warming is slowing down the poleward flow of Atlantic Water,
also argue CO2 warming will offset any cooling effects of that slowdown (Rhamstorf and Mann 2015). Within the next 2 decades, nature should demonstrate how well these
competing models and competing interpretations extrapolate into the future. Good
scientists always embrace 2 or more working hypotheses. But with the
politicization of science, I sincerely doubt President Obama is travelling to
the Arctic to advise the world to be good scientists!
Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!
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