
Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Big 5 Natural Causes of Climate Change pt 3 How La Nina Warms the World


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Welcome everyone

Today in part 3 of the big 5 natural causes of climate change, I want to demonstrate how more frequent La Ninas have warmed the world

La Ninas promote clear skies over the eastern pacific increasing solar heating. As a result, the eastern Pacific absorbs over 100 watts per meter squared more solar energy than it releases back to space. A similar but smaller energy imbalance occurs in the eastern Atlantic during Atlantic Ninas

The blue regions release more energy back to space than their surfaces absorbed. That excess energy was initially absorbed and transported from the tropics. Climate scientists agree any imbalance between the earth's absorption and release of energy can cause climate change.

However, the question is how much of that imbalance is caused by ocean dynamics vs increasing CO2 concentrations

In all peer-reviewed research the world's energy budget is measured in terms of watts, the flow energy per second. For example, a burning candle emits 80 watts. But step just one meter away from that candle and you will not feel its heat. So, to express the effects of heat energy, heat is measured in the amount of watts reaching a square meter of surface area, or watts per meter squared.

On average, the earth's atmosphere and surfaces absorb 240 watts per meter squared of solar energy.  

Claims of a climate crisis, are based on the belief that CO2 is causing the earth to retain just one more watt of solar energy than it releases back to space

But natural ocean dynamics also cause the earth to retain more absorbed solar energy than it releases back to space.

The greatest amount of heat absorption happens when the Pacific is in its neutral condition or a La Nina-like state which is simply a more extreme neutral state.

The trade winds blow warm waters across the Pacific and concentrate them in the western Pacific and Indian Ocean creating the warmest body of water on earth, the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool

That removal of water from the eastern Pacific allows cool sub-surface waters to upwell there. The cooler temperatures generate fewer clouds which increases the absorption of solar energy by 15 watts per meter squared

Furthermore, the resulting east to west temperature difference amplifies the trade winds causing positive feedback that favors maintaining La Nina like conditions.

Strong trade winds cause more heated water to be stored deeper in the western Pacific where the heat is inhibited from ventilating back to space.

Climate scientists are fully aware that this dynamic increases ocean warming, but only bring it to the public's attention when they blame the ocean for creating a hiatus in the rise of global average temperatures that contradicts simplistically based predictions of warming driven by rising CO2.

James Hansen is considered the godfather of the climate crisis. Initially he studied the climate on Venus, which is lifeless and devoid of water. So naturally his analyses and models of climate change are typically focused on greenhouse gases that affected Venus.

To his credit, Hansen admits this bias in his 2005 paper stating "our climate model is driven mainly by increasing human-made greenhouse gases and aerosols"

But Hansen also realized that regards the earth's climate, “one may find other combinations that yield warming comparable to that of the past century”

An increasing understanding of the effects of El Ninos and La Ninas is providing such an alternative combination of effects and a comparable alternative explanation for the warming that Hansen and his acolytes blame on CO2.

Hansen didn’t carefully examine those ENSO effects because as he stated his "coarse-resolution ocean models had been unable to simulate climate variations associated with El Nino–Southern Oscillation processes”

Now the improving understanding of El Nino & La Nina effects will likely cause the CO2 driven climate crisis claims to fall like a house of cards

Climate scientists have calculated the earth's energy budget, but it is plagued with large uncertainties. However, when trying to convince the public that their science is settled, illustrations such as this one posted by NASA, hide all those uncertainties.

Fortunately, the budget calculations by Stephens 2012 exhibited more integrity and highlighted those uncertainties.

NASA's yellow arrows show incoming absorbed and outgoing reflected solar radiation NASA's red arrows show the outgoing infrared and the back radiation from greenhouse gases that recycle the infrared and delay the rate of the earth's cooling

Nonetheless, eventually nearly all the infrared energy escapes back to space; Except an estimated mere 0.6 watts per meter squared, but with an uncertainty of + or - 0.4 watts

Regards how much energy the ocean stores and releases, the uncertainty is huge. The uncertainty of the cooling effects by evaporation alone, or latent heat, is + or - 10 watts, overwhelming the estimate of a CO2 driven energy imbalance.

During the Little Ice Age, the oceans cooled for about 400 years. The Pacific was mostly in a persistent El Nino-like state, a condition that reduces how much heat is stored at depth relative to a La Nina like state. Solar minimums reduced the trade winds which the El Nino like state further weakened.

One result of an El Nino-like ocean is the reduction of upwelling that brings nutrients to the sunlit layers. Thus, during the Little Ice Age the Pacific exhibited low biological productivity.

Then in the early 1800s as solar irradiance rose the ocean entered a more La Nina-like state, increasing upwelling and ocean productivity.

A switch to a more persistent La Nina-like state amplifies the trade winds and raises sea levels in the western Pacific. Accordingly, between 1993 and 2010 satellites observed western pacific sea levels rising many times higher than the global average.

The stronger winds of an La Nina-like state drive more warm water into the western Pacific, increasing the size and the depth of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. The warm pool's growing heat is then transported around the world.

Oceans can warm just by reducing the overall cooling rate, even if there is no increase in absorbed heat.

During La Ninas, more heat is stored at depths, typically up to 200 meters, and those depths inhibit ventilation of that heat.

But the estimated 3 Watts/m2 of infrared heat from the back-radiation of greenhouse gases, never penetrates more than a couple of microns below the surface.

For reference, a human hair is about 70 microns thick. And 1000 microns equal just one millimeter

In contrast hundreds of watts from sunlight energy can penetrate 10 million times deeper. Depending on how clear the water is, the shorter wavelengths of sunlight can penetrate to 100-meter depths.

In general, a steady cooling of the ocean is controlled by a one-millimeter-thick layer at the surface. In addition, storms like hurricanes will episodically pull heat from the deeper layers.

Depending on depth of sunlight penetration, a layer up to 100 meters thick warms the ocean each day.

But that absorbed heat can only radiate away via the surface gateway that is less than 100 microns thick, termed the electromagnetic skin layer

In addition, heat can leave the ocean via contact with the air or via evaporation, which only happens from the 100-micron thick layer termed, the thermal skin layer

Because this upper layer is always losing heat, it is cooler than the diurnal warm layer below and is sometimes called the cool skin layer. This cooler skin surface ensures the flow of heat is almost always from the warmer ocean layers back into the atmosphere.

As a result, the micron thick layer that absorbs greenhouse infrared is always ventilating any absorbed heat back to the atmosphere, in contrast to the deeper and warmer solar heated layer.

So, it seems virtually certain that any change in ocean warming must be driven by solar changes, and not from any changing concentrations of greenhouse gases.

During an El Nino event hot water in the western warm pool sloshes eastward across the pacific. Heated waters that had been stored at depths in the west is brought closer to the surface in the east. Where strong evaporation ventilates a portion of that heat and cools the ocean.

As that warm pool-heat then warms the eastern Pacific, it also reduces the trade winds, and sometimes, even reverses the trade winds’ direction creating feedback that prolongs an El Nino-like state.

Largely governed by the winds, the amount of transported hot water varies from year to year. In the 1600s, Peruvian fisherman named that warm water arrival "El Nino”, referring to baby Jesus, because the flow of warm water arrived each year around Christmas time.

Because El Ninos and La Ninas affect the winds and the jet streams and thus extreme weather patterns as detailed in part 2 of this series, to improve weather forecasting scientists measure changes in temperature within the Nino 3.4 area for statistical purposes.

When temperatures rise 0.5 degrees Celsius above average for about 5 months, an El Nino is declared. When temperatures drop 0.5 degrees Celsius below average a La Nina event is declared. The greater the departure from average the stronger the events effects.

Scientists also classify El Ninos according to the varying distance across the pacific that the heated water travels

Graphs of the globally averaged air temperatures are very sensitive to the heat released by El Ninos.

El Ninos are clearly seen as temperature spikes.

To naive journalists and the general public such warm spikes appear to confirm the coming global warming crisis. But such graphs obscure real climate dynamics As Kevin Trenberth, a chief architect of global warming theory admits, El Ninos are not just temporarily ventilating ocean heat, but cooling the earth's entire climate. 

On the other hand, the cooler temperatures in the graph are associated with neutral conditions and La Ninas due to the upwelling of cold subsurface waters. Paradoxically that's when the ocean is warming.

Clearly because natural El Ninos and La Ninas have such critical effects on climate change, we would expect much more of the earth's warming to be attributed to ENSO dynamics.

But the reason CO2 gets the blame instead is quite clear. After more than a decade since James Hansen admitted the inability of climate models to reproduce El Nino La Nina ocean dynamics, climate models still do not accurately simulate them. As published by climate scientists Michael Mayer, Trenberth, and others in 2016

"All climate models greatly underestimate changes in Pacific Ocean heat content"

"And climate models underestimate the redistribution of heated waters between varying depths and between the eastern and western ocean.

"So, it is highly likely that climate models also underestimate La Nina’s contributions to the steady increase of heat in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool as well as underestimating the century rise in the average global temperature since the Little Ice Age termination when the pacific entered a more La Nina like state.

Although an El Nino event lasts for about a year, its redistribution of heated water has much longer lasting effects associated with the pacific decadal oscillation

The heated water that sloshed to the eastern Pacific doesn’t completely cool, causing the eastern tropical pacific to remain abnormally warm for 20 to 30 years. The reduced trade winds and other circulation changes reduce transport of warm waters to the northern pacific making it abnormally cool. This pattern of ocean surface temperatures is labeled the positive phase of the pacific decadal oscillation and strongly alters weather patterns, especially for western north America

As an El Nino's residual warm waters continue to cool or get transported back to the western pacific, the trade winds gradually increase, and the resulting upwelling cools the eastern pacific further. Circulation changes now pump more warm water into the northern Pacific. The resulting reversed temperature pattern is called the negative phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and it amplifies the wavy jet stream over western North America increasing the probability of drought and heat waves.

The net increase in warm pool and global temperatures can be explained by an El Nino/La Nina Amplification effect

During an El Nino, heated warm pool water moves eastward primarily along the North Equatorial Counter Current.

As El Nino gives way to more neutral and La Nina conditions, much of El Nino's residual warm water then re-circulates back to the warm pool via the north equatorial current and is reheated. This reheated water is slightly warmer than the heated cold-upwelled waters that largely fill the warm pool.

Some of that reheated water also circulates northward to warm the northern Pacific.

An independent climate researcher and author, Bob Tisdale, was the first to recognize the higher temperature effects resulting from a La Nina-like state reheating residual warm waters from an El Nino event.

The re-circulation and re-heating of residual warm El Nino waters results in a gradual stepwise warming of ocean temperatures after each El Nino event.

The accumulating heat in the warm pool, then feeds the Ocean Conveyor Belt that transports that heat into the Indian Ocean, then the Atlantic and up into the Arctic as illustrated by the red loop.

Higher sea levels in the western Pacific during La Ninas help push warm pool waters into the Indian Ocean. A portion of those waters are further heated in the Indian Ocean, which then get transported around southern Africa into the Atlantic – a dynamic referred to as the Agulhas leakage.

Recent studies have detailed the pathway of Agulhas Leakage water into the Arctic

First across the southern Atlantic, then across northern brazil's coast and into the Caribbean, then up the east coast of North America and into the Arctic – linking La Nina warming to Arctic sea ice fluctuations.

Oscillations in the Agulhas Leakage correlate with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, which correlates with lost Arctic sea ice, as detailed in part one of this series. That lost ice allowed more stored Arctic heat to ventilate and increase the global temperature much like the ventilation of deep warm pool waters also raises global temperatures.

As Hansen unintentionally predicted in 2006: “other combinations" such as discussed here, the transport of solar heated waters heated by more frequent La Nina events, can yield alternative causes that explain a comparable warming.

Up next: part 4 of the big 5 natural causes of climate change: landscape changes

Until then embrace renowned scientist Thomas Huxley’s advice: “skepticism is the highest of duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin"

Monday, May 2, 2022

The Big 5 Natural Causes of Climate Change: part 2 Jet Streams and Extreme Weather

This is the transcript to the video 

The Big 5 Natural Causes of Climate Change: part 2 

Jet Streams and Extreme Weather

Welcome everyone.

This is part 2 of the big 5 natural causes of climate change: focusing on jet streams and extreme weather. Jet streams are high-altitude, fast-moving, narrow bands of winds that separate cold arctic air from warm tropical air. Jet streams are key to understanding climate change because they both create weather and steer weather around the globe. Unlike global warming, jet streams undeniably cause both extreme heat waves and extreme cold snaps as well as directly causing droughts and floods

Jet streams cause extreme weather when their waviness increases and causes weather patterns to linger over a region longer than normal. Examinations of the jet stream's cycle of waviness was first published by MIT’s Carl-Gustav Rossby in the 1940s.

To honor his profound contributions to understanding atmospheric circulation and its effects on climate, wavy jet streams, as well as other wavy circulation patterns, are called Rossby waves

Rossby insisted that the jet stream's wavy patterns were essential for the planet to achieve greater temperature equilibrium more efficiently as each wave's ridge transports more warm tropical air poleward and each trough drives more cold arctic air equator-ward.

The jet stream normally steers mid-latitude weather systems relatively quickly from west to east across the globe. When that eastward movement slows, the jet streams become more wavy causing weather patterns to linger and extreme weather to evolve. Rossby noticed the minimal circulation speeds most frequently happened in late February and early march when sufficient cold arctic air reservoirs developed and pushed the jet stream equator-ward.

Rossby developed a circulation index to track jet stream changes, but later, researchers developed the more commonly used North Atlantic Oscillation index based on changes in air pressure between Iceland and the Azores. That index more easily identifies changes in the jet stream waviness and gave weather forecasters a higher degree of predictive skills.

During a large pressure difference, or positive phase, a more zonal jet stream flow will evolve, bringing warmer, wetter weather to northern Europe.

When pressure differences are below average, or the negative phase, a wavier jet stream evolves causing more unpredictable weather, blocking patterns, and extreme weather.

The index shown here is just for the winter months, as that's when the earth's oscillation is the greatest. However, the index here uses annual averages that don’t reveal critical monthly changes in waviness.

The dynamics that drive the north Atlantic oscillation also drive the more global arctic oscillation. The illustration shown here shows the jet stream encircling the earth in 5 long waves. But with better satellite data we now know the jet stream may exhibit just 2 waves or many different numbers of waves depending on interactions with other climate dynamics.

A wavy jet stream generates its own weather.

Winds exiting a jet stream's ridge converge forcing air downward, generating a surface high pressure system and warmer, dry weather

As winds exit a jet stream's trough, the upper winds speed up creating a quasi-vacuum that induces upward air motion that generates a surface low pressure system and stormy wet weather

The intertropical convergence zone's or ITCZ seasonal migrations affect the jet stream's location. During our summer the ITCZ and the jet streams move northward inhibiting cold polar air from pushing southward while also allowing more warm and moist air to migrate northward.

Some of the observed global warming since the end of the Little Ice Age is due to the ITCZ’s and jet stream's northward migration from its much more southward location 200 years ago.

During our winter the ITCZ and jet stream move equator-ward allowing colder air to push southward as well as increasing the jet's waviness

The dry high-pressure system forming beneath a jet's ridge, pulls warm tropical air northwards on its western side as well as promoting clear skies and greater solar heating.

The low-pressure system forming in the jet stream's trough pulls colder arctic air southward as well as promoting cloudiness and rain. This dynamic partially explains why the south- eastern united states has long been dubbed a "warming hole."

That warming hole gets obscured by temperature statistics that are averaged nationally and globally. However, a recent study shows that 34% of all USA weather stations with at least 70 years of data, (represented by blue dots), exhibit cooling trends and most are concentrated in the jet stream's trough.

Knowing that published temperature data, when the government falsely claims in its "Climate Resilience Tool Kit", that cities in the southeast are at risk due to heat from climate change, that false claim only generates mistrust for the government's climate science narratives

Aligning with Rossby’s observation that the jet stream's greatest waviness occurs during winter when the reservoir of cold arctic air reaches a maximum, the jet stream dove deep into the southern United States between February 12th-19th, in 2021. Arctic air caused the regions colored purple to remain below freezing for over 160 hours.

Global warming was unlikely to have had an effect as that cold snap resembled the cold snap of 1899, also in February. Judging from san Antonio’s 7 coldest temperatures, these extreme cold snaps happen every few decades

Just 4 months later around the 2021 summer solstice, a wavy jet stream created a heat wave over western north America, causing Lytton British Columbia to experience record-breaking heat from June 27th to 29th.

In line with expected temperature variations that wavy jet streams cause, while the north-west was baking, the southwest was cooler than normal. Western North America’s geography appears to favor a wavy jet stream pattern

British Columbia’s previous heat record that happened in 1941 was also set in Lytton, giving the town the nick name of "Canada’s hot spot" The wavy jet stream simply induced a blocking pattern, here an omega block, causing the high-pressure system to remain over Lytton for several days driving temperatures higher with each passing day.

A pseudo-science group called "World Weather Attribution" claimed their analyses showed it would be impossible for the Lytton heat wave to happen without human caused climate change. Similarly, click bait media and alarmist scientists echoed the same narratives. But the scientific evidence does not back them up!

A recent 2022 peer reviewed study shows this region has been cooling for the past 30 years.

The jet streams omega block kept a heat dome in place for several days enabling natural dynamics to amplify the temperature. 

The high-pressure system pulled warm tropical air northward into the region

Dry air in a high-pressure system produces clear skies increasing solar heating

Descending air also heats as it sinks plus that sinking air prevents

Surface cooling via rising convection

The Rocky Mountains and the ocean and land temperature differences frequently promote jet stream waviness over North America’s west coast. Small disturbance in the jet stream's summer flow can quickly evolve into an omega block and a heat wave. The evolution of a fluid's looping flow is common in all the earth's currents..... Be it water or be it air.

My research with meadow restoration observed that evolving dynamic in meadow streams. Small differences in surface hardness causes small waves to evolve in the stream's channel. The wave's curvature alters the stream's speeds which naturally amplify the waviness over years, and the stream erodes the banks to evolve into omega configurations. Eventually the waviness amplifies enough to cause that part of the channel to break off from the main flow forming stagnant oxbow lakes.

Unconstrained by the land, the same natural flow dynamics cause eddies to pinch off from the main flow of the Gulf Stream in just a matter of days.

Likewise small disturbances to the jet stream cause omega blocks and eddies known as cutoff lows or cutoff highs to evolve in just a few days, no matter how climate is changing.

In 1948 Rossby published that jet stream meanders frequently increase in amplitude until troughs and ridges are cut off from the main current" A recent 2022 peer reviewed study illustrated just how the omega block evolved and enabled the record 2021 heat wave.

The column to the left shows how the jet stream evolved from a relatively straight west to east flow on June 22nd, a looping wave and an omega block by June 24th and by June 26th the loop was ready to cut off from the jet stream flow.

The column on the right shows how air temperatures changed, and the authors stated "an upper-level atmospheric blocking snatched a warm pool of air from lower latitudes”

El Nino’s can alter a jet stream's flow by warming the eastern Pacific’s surface temperatures. The increased convection also initiates a train of alternating high- and low-pressure systems that can amplify or reduce a jet stream's waviness elsewhere

During a la Nina, colder eastern pacific waters amplify a high-pressure system that forces moisture carrying westerly winds northward causing more drought in California and the west coast.

It is likely that, decadal changes in the jet streams position are partially driven by changes in El Ninos and La Ninas

Elsewhere, Greenland’s heat waves and melting ice sheet coincides with a decreasing North Atlantic Oscillation, and an increasingly wavy jet stream, which caused a high-pressure system to sit over the ice sheet and increase solar heating.

The 2017 Hofer paper demonstrated that a wavier jet induced less clouds that increased surface melt (the red curve). Less clouds allowed more summer solar heating, represented here by the orange curve, and labeled (jja swd)

Although the increased solar heating increased the amount of longwave infrared, the lack of clouds caused a reduction in net greenhouse warming causing a steadily decreasing effect on ice sheet melting represented by the purple curve.

In 2015 scientist were confused when Greenland’s summer melt was unusually rapid only in the colder northwest region, while little melt was happening in the warmer southeast region. But a cutoff high explained that climate oddity

Here is the national weather services' global reconstruction of the upper atmosphere in summer 2015, with the jet streams shown in red.

Notice in the northern hemisphere the jet’s wave is not as amplified as in the southern hemisphere despite reduced Arctic sea ice. Also notice that no jet stream ridge nor its high-pressure systems sit over Greenland during this time.

The extreme melting was the result of a cutoff high that had detached from the jet stream and moved northward. Free from being steered eastward by the jet, the cutoff high created a heat dome that remained over northwestern Greenland for many, many days

Also, in 2021, western Germany experienced extreme flooding in July driven by a jet stream's cutoff low. But again, the World Weather Attribution published the floods were made worse by CO2 global warming. And again, that claim was echoed by click-bait media and alarmist scientists. They all offered the same irrelevant narrative that in a warmer world, the air holds more moisture to produce extreme rainfall.

But the real cause was the dynamics of a cut-off low that concentrated the moisture in that region for days

Cut off lows are called weatherman’s woes because it unpredictably causes extreme weather. Cut off lows form from the same naturally evolving fluid dynamics that cause cutoff highs and omega blocks

In this weather map, notice only at the center of the cut off low is there enough abundant moisture, indicated by the red color, to promote the heavy flooding. Despite claims of a global warming effect, all the surrounding regions contained below average atmospheric moisture. Extreme rainfall happened because the cutoff low remained in place for days, continuously concentrating moisture over the region.

Cutoff lows are unusual events. But a 2008 scientific paper detailed how the geography of this region promotes 33% of all the global cutoff lows events

But cut off lows are not needed to bring unusually heavy rains. The flooding in Great Britain happened as the trough of the jet stream migrated southward causing a stormy low-pressure system to migrate over Great Britain And linger there due to an omega block over Scandinavia

Sadly, the Scientific American has devolved into click bait fear mongering, highlighting journalist Chelsea Harvey’s spooky fabrications of looming mass extinctions and other climate disasters.

Last year Scientific American published Harvey’s tabloid piece regards how climate change will shift the jet stream and tragically disrupt the world's weather. To her credit, she did note such claims were highly controversial with no consensus among scientists. However, she highlighted a 2021 paper by Osman and although the reconstructed evidence, as shown here, shows that for over a thousand years the jet stream has always been driven by natural variability, and despite the evidence that since the Little Ice Age, the jet stream’s natural variability has shown no trends related to rising CO2.

Still Osman, Harvey and the Scientific American all want the public to believe that in just 40 years further rising CO2 will suddenly overwhelm natural variations and push the jet stream unnaturally northward and disrupt our weather

Blaming humans and rising co2 for all the ills of the world and every natural weather change is a simplistic answer that corrupt politicians and alarmist scientists like Michael Mann push, and the click bait media thrives on.

Such simple narratives will only send a gullible public and public policy over a cliff. It obscures the complex climate interactions that so many other scientists have identified even though their work fails to capture media headlines. People who truly want to understand the science, they need to understand the natural complexities of climate change so we can enact the best policies

So up next: part 3 of the big 5 natural causes of climate change: La Nina and the Warming Ocean

Until then.... Embrace renowned scientist Thomas Huxley's advice: Skepticism is our highest duty and blind faith the one unpardonable sin

Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Big 5 Natural Causes of Global Warming - part 1: Varying Atlantic Water Transport

This is the transcript for the video

The Big 5 Natural  Causes of Global Warming -  part 1: Varying Atlantic Water Transport

I previously discussed how CO2 has maintained today’s hospitable climate in the video titled, “How CO2 Saves The Earth: Greenhouse Gases Vital Warming & Cooling Effects”

But as our lower atmosphere saturates with CO2, additional CO2 has much less of an effect today.

The Big 5 natural climate dynamics - when considered together- offer a far better explanation of both regional climate trends and the statistical global warming trend since the end of the little ice age. The first of the Big 5 identifies the effect of varying transport of warm Atlantic waters into the Arctic.

Jonathan Kahl’s analysis of Arctic surveys between 1950 and 1990 & published in the pre-eminent journal Nature, found no rise in arctic air temperatures.

But after the 1990 shift of the Arctic Oscillation, which caused sub-freezing winds from Siberia to blow insulating arctic sea ice out of the Arctic, arctic air temperatures suddenly began warming several times faster than the global average temperature.

The loss of insulating sea ice increased the ventilation of stored ocean heat, warming the air but cooling the ocean. That warming offset and obscured, the 25-year winter cooling trend in both North America and Eurasia, represented here by the blue colors. Clearly Arctic warming was due regional climate dynamics, not global.

From Danish sea ice records and modern satellite photos, we see two distinct periods with very similar reductions in the extent of arctic sea ice. One during the 1930s and one since 2000. Those 2 periods of reduced sea ice are separated by an intervening 30-year period of increasing sea ice, suggesting sea ice is modulated by a natural oscillation.

The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation represents a natural cyclical dynamic where the northern Atlantic waters alternate between becoming warmer than the southern Atlantic and then become cooler.

It cycles approximately every 60 years.

The decades with 0.3 to 0.5 degrees Celsius warmer north Atlantic waters coincide with the decades of reduced Arctic sea ice and rising global temperatures.

The decades between the 1950s to 1990s, when the north Atlantic's temperatures were 0.3 to 0.5 degrees Celsius cooler, Arctic sea ice increased and there was no global warming trend.

As climate scientist Moreno-Chammaro published in 2020, these alternating periods of warmer and cooler north Atlantic temperatures also correlated with changes in the Intertropical Convergence Zone or ITCZ

The ITCZ is a migrating band of rising air, that sailors called the doldrums, which also brings heavy rainfall. Over Asia and Africa the ITCZ follows the sun to the Tropic of Cancer or Tropic of Capricorn according to each hemisphere's summer solstice.

The ITCZ is also the driver of the earth's Hadley Circulation that constantly transports warmth and moisture from the tropics towards the poles.

Where the north and south trade winds converge defines the ITCZ’s position, and determines where the rising branch of moist air of the Hadley Circulation will create a rainy season. Because the OTCZ determines the location of tropical rainy seasons, it leaves strong clues to how its location has changed over centuries and millennia.

Around 30 degrees north and south of the equator, the air moving towards the poles at the top of the atmosphere converges with upper atmospheric winds that are moving back toward the equator. This upper air convergence drives air currents downward to create a quasi-permanent high-pressure region at the surface.

Around 60 degrees north and south, the convergence of opposing surface air currents drives air upwards producing a quasi-permanent low pressure region.

As the ITCZ migrates north and south, so do these inter-connected high and low pressure systems

As illustrated by Zou's 2014 research, during the Little Ice Age as the ITCZ migrated southward, so did its associated pressure systems. Its more southerly location caused warm equatorial currents to be deflected southward by the point of Brazil.

The southward migration of the associated north Atlantic pressure systems also steered warm gulf stream waters more eastward, reducing warm water flows into the Arctic, resulting in cooler temperatures that enabled the greatest Arctic sea ice buildup in 6000 years.

When solar irradiance increased, marking the end of the Little Ice Age, the ITCZ and associated pressure systems all migrated northward.

Now, the more northerly location of the ITCZ guided more warm tropical waters north of the point of Brazil causing more warm water to flow across the equator and feed more warm water into the gulf stream.

Additionally, the northward shifting north Atlantic pressure systems increasingly drove more warm gulf stream waters into the Arctic, which reduced arctic sea ice.

Changes in solar irradiance and sunspot cycles correlate with that migration of the ITCZ. Three sunspot minimums and reduced solar irradiance occurred during the Little Ice Age and correlates with the ITCZ southward migration( illustrated here in blue).

The increasing solar irradiance since the end of the little ice age correlates with the northward migrating ITCZ and our current warming trend.

As the northward migration of the ITCZ resulted in more warm water entering the Arctic, that warm, inflowing Atlantic water circulates around the arctic for 25-30 years at 100 to 900 meter depths.

That warm Atlantic water keeps most of the Barents Sea inside the Arctic Circle free of ice all winter

And warm Atlantic waters circulating along the shallow Eurasian coasts combine with winds from Siberia to push sea ice away from the coast and maintain ice-free polynya during the winter with open waters that further expand during the summer.

The insulating effects of sea ice determines how quickly the arctic ocean will cool and how much heat ventilates and warms the Arctic air.

According to peer-reviewed studies by Ignatius Rigor published in 2002, 3 meter-thick ice can ventilate 5 times more heat (about 10 W/m2) than radiated by society’s added CO2.

Where older ice is replaced by thinner 1-meter thick ice, about 15 times more heat than from CO2 (about 30 W/m2) can ventilate.

And newly forming thin ice can ventilate 350 times more heat than added CO2 (about 700 W/m2)

It is this ventilating Arctic heat that has amplified Arctic and global air temperatures.

As illustrated here by NASA’s National Snow & Ice Data Center,

In summer 1985, over one third of the Arctic ocean was covered by old 3+ meter thick ice (represented here in white) Abundant thick, insulating ice explains why Jonathan Kahl's 1993 analyses found no Arctic warming.

After cold freezing winds began removing that thick ice in 1990, by 2017 less than 5% of the Arctic ocean was covered by old 3+ meter thick ice, and the amount of open water (in dark blue) more than tripled during summer allowing much more stored ocean heat to ventilate

To blame CO2 for the sudden loss of arctic sea ice, which all agreed was caused by the 1990s strong shift in wind direction during a positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation, 6 leading advocates of the CO2 warming theory, including NASA’s now chief climate modeler Gavin Schmidt, published in 2002 that rising CO2 was controlling the natural North Atlantic Oscillation,

I quote "four of the five general circulation models show an unambiguously positive Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation response to greenhouse gas forcing, consistent with the hypothesis [their hypothesis] that the observed upward trend in these indices is anthropogenically induced”

But this illustrates how badly Gavin Schmidt's conclusions had been biased by his advocacy, such as his efforts on the so-called RealClimate website that he co-founded with Michael Mann, where he advocated for a hypothetical CO2 driven climate crisis.

In the real world, despite continued rising CO2 concentrations and despite Schmidt's unambiguous modeling results, the North Atlantic Oscillation has been doing the exact opposite. It has been trending more negatively for the past 2 decades.

Oddly, despite this utter modeling failure, Gavin Schmidt was awarded the position of NASA’s GISS director, replacing the prominent climate alarmist James Hansen.

Changes in natural climate dynamics firmly disputes alarmists' claims of a rapidly approaching CO2 driven climate crisis.

1. Increasing arctic temperatures are chiefly caused by ventilating stored heat that warms the air but cools the ocean.

2. The lowest solar irradiance in 100 years (sunpsot cycle 24) suggests further cooling of the North Atlantic.

3. Declining solar irradiance suggests a southward migrating ITCZ causing less northward transport of tropical heat.

4. The coinciding shift of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation further suggests cooler north Atlantic waters entering the Arctic in coming decades, and that would predict that as older Atlantic water circulating in the Arctic for 30 years finally cools, conditions would allow Arctic sea ice to recover.

5. Finally because most climate models and leading climate scientists incorrectly attributed rising CO2 to the North Atlantic Oscillation's shift to its positive phase, their alarmist crisis claims should be viewed with a great amount of skepticism.

So I urge you to consider the effects of natural climate dynamics, and this is just the first of the Big 5 that better explains our current warming trends.

So up next: # 2 of the Big 5 climate dynamics: How shifting jet streams affect global temperatures.