
Friday, April 15, 2022

National Geographic’s Misinformation about Forests and Climate Change


National Geographic is at it again! Five years ago, National Geographic published a story and a video of a sickly emaciated polar bear that they fearmongered was the result of climate change. After heavy criticism they admitted they didn’t really know what had affected the bear and, in their attempt to raise “concern” about climate change had gone too when stating "this is what climate change looks like." But that’s how click-bait journalism profits.

Now, they have assembled cherry-picked photos of dying forests that they also blame on climate change to craft a propaganda article “The FUTURE OF FORESTS” with the headlines “HEAT AND DROUGHT ARE KILLING OUR FORESTS…BUT WE CAN LIMIT THE DAMAGE… IF WE CHANGE COURSE NOW.”

Although the article admits “Trees are growing faster” due to rising CO2, and in passing also acknowledged “climate change still poses less of a threat to forests than logging and land clearing”, their intent was to sell fear that “the climate threat is growing fast.” To make the reader believe their hyperbole, they paraded a myriad of unsupported claims that “climate change is killing trees.” That, “forest scientists are increasingly uneasy in the quickening pulse of extreme events—fire, more powerful storms, insect infestations, and, most notably, severe heat and drought.” Throughout the article, National Geographic sprinkles in truth but then hammers their readers with climate change misinformation.

National Geographic mindlessly blamed catastrophic wildfires on climate change-worsened drought, despite all the scientific evidence pointing to the build-up of forest fuels due to poor landscape management. In 2002-2004 some 350 million piñons, New Mexico’s state tree, died across the Southwest due to drought and fire. To National Geographic’s credit they reported on the wildfire in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico that “From 1650 on, this ponderosa pine forest survived 15 fires—but in the 20th century most fires were suppressed. Fuel built up in the forest and a long, hot drought settled in. A monster blaze in 2011 ravaged 45 square miles in its first night.” “Unprecedented fires eviscerated hundreds of thousands of acres of ponderosa pines.”

But then the bait and switch to fearmonger climate change. They claimed, “the drought was hotter”. “The slight increase in temperature attributable to greenhouse gas emissions was already enough to set the death of New Mexico’s trees in motion.” But it was not a hotter drought. The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) combines changes in both rainfall and temperature to estimate drought severity. According to data from NOAA and published on the website, the PDSI for current drought conditions in New Mexico are now milder than they had been during Little Ice Age droughts, between 1200 and 1800 AD. (Red represents instrumental data and blue represents reconstructed data from tree rings.)

Likewise, PDSI data for neighboring Utah and Colorado data indicate the western United States is experiencing milder drought conditions than the last 1000 years, as well as similar change in the south-eastern USA.

Nonetheless, eager to add more threatening effects from increased heat and droughts attributed to climate change, National Geographic focused on recent wildfires in Yellowstone claiming, “Yellowstone is part of a global trend”. They reported trees were not returning after fires in the region, quoting one researcher that in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Washington, the number of burned sites that didn’t recover jumped from 19 percent before 2000 to 32 percent in the years after. But again, the data does not point to climate change as the cause.

From estimates for the Northern Rockies and Plains (MT, ND, SD, WY, and NE) the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) for July from 1895–2020, finds the upper Missouri River Basin has been wetter in the recent 15 years while the worst droughts were in the 1930s. That PDSI also correlates with the EPA’s Heatwave Index, showing the worst heatwaves in the 1930s, far exceeding any excessive heat in recent decades.

National Geographic’s misinformation was most repulsive when dramatizing the fires in California’s Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. “If any species could withstand climate shifts, you might think it’d be giant sequoias, many of which have stood since the reign of Julius Caesar. Instead, change has come frighteningly fast.” National Geographic then sprinkles in a little truth stating, “Sequoias need low-intensity ground fires to release seeds from their cones and clear soil, so seeds can take root. Their high branches make them unlikely hosts for canopy fires. But in 2020 our history of suppressing fire collided with a rapidly changing climate.” However, again, the PDSI shows California’s drought severity has been milder the last 100 years. Suppressing the frequent moderate fires that had maintained a sequoia-favorable environment for thousands of years was the problem.

According to the National Park Service, the 2020 Castle fire “burned 12 giant sequoia groves in the park, with differing levels of fire severity depending on their fire history and location. Groves on warmer and drier south-facing slopes, and with no recent fire, sustained extensive mortality of large giant sequoias,” such as Homer's Nose grove, shown here. Notice the dense forest consisting of thinner trees that had encroached on the thicker sequoia giants due to fire suppression, providing ladder fuels to reach the sequoia’s canopies. National Geographic featured a similar photo to emphasize “Climate change and fire suppression are fueling bigger wildfires.”

Unlike the National Park Service, National Geographic didn’t show photos of how better forest fuel management had protected the sequoias. The NPS reported, “Other groves, growing on cooler, more moist north-facing slopes or having recent history of fire had more mixed and moderate fire severity or limited fire spread. One example is this healthy Garfield Grove (below), where managers did a prescribed burn in 1985” to mimic the natural fire frequency of the past. (Photo: NPS / Anthony Caprio (taken on a November 2, 2020 aerial survey by helicopter)

National Geographic similarly blamed several other forest declines around the globe on climate change despite knowingly never understanding their real causes. National Geographic reported scientists confessing, “The problem is, we can’t yet quantify the planetwide scope of climate impacts. Satellite data show that Earth’s tree-covered area actually expanded from 1982 to 2016 by 7 percent, an area larger than Mexico. But that doesn’t mean forests are doing fine: The data don’t distinguish between natural forests and industrial tree farms.” “No computer model can yet project how climate will change forests globally—or how their carbon stores will feed back on climate. Earth system models historically haven’t done a good job of capturing this.”

Clearly National Geographic’s authors never really understood forestry or climate history. They were once again just pushing a click-bait piece blaming climate change, “Now fossil fuel emissions spewing from coal plants and tailpipes are rearranging forests in other consequential ways,” concluding with, “Do we want even more of this?” “Stabilizing emissions closer to two degrees or less could limit forest losses in Yellowstone to 15 percent.” “Yellowstone’s forests, like many in the world, will never be the same. But they might be close”

Jim Steele is Director emeritus of San Francisco State University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus, authored Landscapes and Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism and several climate science videos and is a proud member of the CO2 Coalition.

Saturday, March 12, 2022


 This is the transcript for the video


Welcome everyone.

This video separates science from the pseudo-science regards floods and extreme precipitation in part 7 of How Pressure Systems Control Climate. Floods are the most frequent of all natural disasters. The deadliest of all recorded floods devastated regions of China in cooler times of the late 1800s and 1930s. But the visible heartache of floods today makes them lucrative click-bait for mainstream media and good optics to push a climate crisis. For example, last year National Public Radio promoted pseudo-science in order to frame floods as a new existential threat.

Level ground, rich soils and easy access to water have enticed people to colonize flood plains for millennia, despite the risk of inevitable catastrophic floods. Building levees was one solution. But by denying a river access to its natural floodplains, levees amplified downstream flows only to re-locate flooding. This video won’t delve into the effects of human levee systems, here I focus on the latest science to establish how much flooding can be expected from natural climate variability. Due to the inevitable natural frequency of floods, by 1920 private insurance companies in America stopped offering flood insurance. 

Unwisely, governments then offered flood insurance that has unintentionally encouraged people to stay on the flood plains, no matter how often they needed to rebuild, and no matter how much wetland ecosystems are lost. As seen here, Florida’s St John’s River lost over 90% of its floodplains to encroaching humanity in 70 years. But observing the environmental damage there are now ongoing efforts to restore as much wetlands as possible. 

With the advent of the satellite era, scientists have been able to construct a much more accurate picture of the earth's precipitation patterns and flood risks from climate change. 

Kevin Trenberth, from the national center for atmospheric research, is an outspoken scientist who has promoted much pseudo-science regards floods, and unfortunately, he's usually the first scientist mainstream media interviews in search of a climate crisis headline. 

He generates pseudo-science by mis-applying the proven Clausius-Clayperon equation, which states a 1-degree Celsius rise in temperature increases the atmosphere's moisture holding capacity by 7%, arguing theoretically that global warming must be increasing rainfall and making floods worse. But while the Clausius-Clayperon equation is verifiable in a laboratory setting. It doesn’t explain global precipitation patterns. 

Nguyen's 2018 satellite-based examination of precipitation shows the average rates of regional precipitation around the globe. The Trade Winds carry moisture evaporated from the relatively cloudless regions represented here in dark blue and concentrate that moisture in the Intertropical Convergence Zone, or ITCZ. The ITCZ is represented here by the darker red colors circumscribing the equator. The ITCZ accounts for about 32% of all global rainfall and the importance of a shifting ITCZ on wet and dry climates was discussed in earlier parts of this series. If global warming has increased evaporation, then the ITCZ would be one of the most sensitive regions to support Trenberth’s proclamations that global warming is causing a climate crisis and more extreme rainfall. 

The Western Pacific Warm Pool is the largest ITCZ region of heavy rainfall, yet in the heart of the warm pool, Indonesia’s elevation differences illustrate how interactions with cold temperatures greatly affect the degree of rainfall. In Indonesia’s lowlands receive 70 to 125 inches of rain fall while Indonesia’s higher and cooler elevations, 2 to 3 times as much rain fall. 

Clearly illustrated here warmer temperatures simply don’t translate to more rainfall, over the Sahara Desert where maximum temperatures average 40 degrees Celsius or 104 Fahrenheit, there is only enough moisture to produce 3 inches of rain each year. In contrast, Dublin Ireland receives over 10 times that amount of rainfall despite a much lower average high temperature of just 15 degrees Celsius or 59 Fahrenheit. 

Clearly atmospheric circulation can trump the Clausius-Clayperon temperature equation. 

Using 33 years of NOAA’S satellite data, Nguyen 2018 also mapped the world's trends in precipitation. Revealing a vast mosaic of increasing and decreasing trends that defies Trenberth’s pseudo-science. The blue areas represent increasing rainfall trends of which only 2.3% of the earth experiences any statistically significant increasing trend. Regions of decreasing precipitation are illustrated by red colors, and cover half the earth, but significant drying covers twice the area of significantly increasing precipitation. To see more clearly where statistically significant changes are happening, Nguyen 2018 produces this map. 

And contrary to Trenberth’s claim that global warming will cause convergence zones of moisture to exhibit increased precipitation, over 95% of the ITCZ region has shown no significant change in 30 years casting serious doubt on the usefulness of either the Clausius-Clayperon equation or global warming average statistic. Likewise, over the USA where extreme precipitation events and floods are quite common, there has been no significantly increasing rainfall. 

In 2011, Michael Dettinger a hydrologist with the US Geological Survey and a Scripps researcher, published this illustration showing the location of weather stations reporting extreme rainfall of 400 mm or 15.8 inches or more of rainfall over 3-day periods spanning the years 1950 to 2008. 

It is well known that most extreme rainfall is largely associated with hurricanes and atmospheric rivers. Accordingly extreme rainfall is observed along the Gulf coast and eastern coast of the USA during the warm months, when and where hurricanes are most impactful. 

Purple dots represent weather stations that have recorded one extreme event in the past 60 years while the blue dots represent locations observing 2 or three extreme events during that time span. 

Atmospheric rivers deliver the extreme rainfall events in California happening mostly during the cooler months of late fall, winter, and early spring. There, a few weather stations have recorded extreme precipitation 6 and 7 times in 60 years. 

The water cycle helps illuminate the source of moisture for various extreme rainfall events. 85% of the earth's moisture evaporation occurs over the ocean, but only 90% of that moisture falls back harmlessly over the ocean. 

The missing 40,000 cubic kilometers of moisture is transported from the oceans to the land each year, but it only accounts for 35% of all the rainfall on land. That's because 65% of continental precipitation is fueled by recycled moisture via evaporation from lakes and wetlands and transpiration by vegetation. 

Because the eastern USA has more wetlands and more forests than the west, it recycles more rainfall, During the warm months of June and July about 60% of the eastern USA’s rainfall is sourced from recycled moisture. So, the eastern USA should also be a sensitive indicator of any global warming induced evaporation and rainfall as suggested by Trenberth. 

But in contrast to Trenberth’s theoretical pseudo-science, Nguyen’s 2018 analyses  show the eastern USA has not experienced any precipitation trends in 30 years. 


Depending on what model is used, results often differ. Nevertheless, Kazmzadeh's 2021 satellite analysis, likewise, found no precipitation trends in the eastern USA for the most recent 20 years. 

Using a different time frame, Kazemzadeh did find significant trends in different locations than Nguyen. But still, only 6.1 % of the earth experienced any statistically significant increased precipitation while 6.1% experienced significant decreases. Both studies suggest no change in the supply of moisture for rainfall. And in contrast to Trenberth’s expectation of amplified precipitation where moisture converges, hardly any portion of the ITCZ’s region experiences any increased rainfall. 


In addition to the effect of different starting dates for rainfall trends, how a region's boundary is defined also alters trend analyses. Because state agencies manage water resources, Nguyen 2018 analyzed rainfall trends by political boundaries, resulting in 10 states exhibiting insignificant trends of increasing rainfall while 5 states experienced significant decreasing trends. 

A much different picture arose when defining regions by the more climatically meaningful watershed boundaries. Such analysis then found no regions of the USA experiencing any increase in rainfall, but a significant drying trend in the Colorado river basin. 

So beware, depending on a researcher's agenda, they can cherry-pick the statistics that best suits their narrative. 

If Trenberth’s theoretical proclamations are true that global warming has increased extreme rainfall, it should be reflected in higher flood peaks in the rivers. To test the global warming claims, Gabrielle Villarini examined 50 long-term stream gauge stations, each with a 100+ years of data. As her results here indicate, there has been no increasing trend in peak river flows. The range of flow volumes remained stationary within the bounds of natural variability. 

Nonetheless, there are always outlier years with damaging floods and those years provide the misleading click-bait headlines for the media. The oldest USA station that has monitored the Connecticut river since 1836, had a major flood due to the rains of the march hurricane of 1936. So damaging was that flood, it prompted the USA’s flood control act of 1936. 

Given the lack of any long-term river flow trends, Villarini concluded 

"it is easier to proclaim the demise of stationarity of flood peaks than to prove it through analyses of annual flood peak data." 

The causes of flood damage from hurricanes are more complex and must consider extreme precipitation, coastal surges, coastal landscape changes and broken levees. 

But as expected the devastating flood from hurricane Katrina in 2005 provided Trenberth with the optics to push his single-minded obsession with a climate crisis. Again, he repeated that the Clausius-Clayperon equation dictated worse floods due to an 8% increase in extreme precipitation and a warmer ocean making Katrina stronger. 

But Katrina evolved as local conditions changed, not as a global warming statistic changed. Katrina was a small category 1 hurricane when it first hit Florida, then evolving into a category 5 over the Gulf of Mexico but declining into a category 4 and 3 as it hit the gulf's coastline. 

If we cherry pick Katrina’s time as a category 5 hurricane, it rates as the 12th strongest in 150 years. But there were stronger hurricanes in the 1930s and 50s, contradicting claims that global warming had caused stronger hurricanes. 

The horrific flooding was not due to human effects on climate but, how humans had degraded the landscape around New Orleans. By altering the Mississippi river's course, and draining and urbanizing the wetlands of its floodplains, parts of New Orleans, are now 3 to 5 meters below sea level. Even without a hurricane, any failure of its levees, would produce a devastating flood. A recent study by Dixon in 2005 found New Orleans is still sinking at a rate of 6.4 mm/year and as much as 33 mm/year. Sinking land is a far bigger threat than rising sea level. 


Where hurricanes make landfall is primarily determined by how the winds from the Atlantic subtropical high-pressure system guides the storm. Known as the Bermuda high when centered more towards the USA, the winds more often drive hurricanes into the Gulf of Mexico, relative to times when the high is centered further east and known as the azure high, which causes more hurricanes to pass up the middle of the Atlantic with little coastal impacts. 

This relationship with the High-pressure system is clearly seen by mapping the frequencies of hurricane storm tracks. As represented by the dark red regions, hurricanes more frequently pass harmlessly northward much to the east of the USA. The 2 regions that experience the most landfalling hurricanes are around New Orleans and the east coast from Florida to North Carolina when the high moves westward. 

Climate scientist have been deeply divided on whether or not global warming is causing more Atlantic hurricanes. Using raw data, Trenberth’s ilk point to a rising trend as seen in green. Other scientists argue before the satellite era, many hurricanes went undetected and thus were underestimated unless they came closer to shore. So those scientists adjust the data and find no trend as illustrated by the orange line.

Hurricane landfall data is more robust, and it too finds no increasing trend. 

And accordingly, there is no significant trend in precipitation in the USA where it is most affected by hurricanes. 

High precipitation in every cyclonic storm, whether called hurricanes, extratropical cyclones or atmospheric rivers is primarily due to warm moisture transported poleward from the tropics by the warm conveyor belt As the warm conveyor approaches colder air to the north, it rises and cools, causing moisture to condense and rain out. The rising air of the warm conveyor also induces cold dry air to sink from the upper atmosphere to maintain a mass balance. 

These dynamics of all cyclonic storms are readily seen in satellite photos. The long gold arrow illustrates the path of the warm conveyor that is causing clouds to form as it rises. Also note the faint outline of the USA showing the moisture is being pulled from the tropics south of the Yucatan The dark band paralleling the warm conveyor represents the cold dry air that has descended into the cyclone. 

The earth's more frequent atmospheric rivers transport more moisture poleward than hurricanes, likewise, via their warm conveyor belts, they transport more than 90% of all tropical moisture reaching the mid latitudes. 

Globally about 130 atmospheric rivers occur each year with 20–30-hour lifespans. Disproportionately, California averages 15 a year, explaining why California is such a hot spot for extreme precipitation. Globally there can be 5 or 6 atmospheric rivers happening at any one time, but not all make landfall. 

Like hurricanes, the path of an atmospheric river is determined by the configuration of High- and Low-pressure systems. 

Here an atmospheric river extends poleward from the pacific warm pool With a contracted low-pressure system centered around the Aleutian Islands, the atmospheric river was guided north of San Francisco (the green dot) and into British Columbia on September 21, 2021. 

One month later, the low-pressure system had expanded and moved southward. Along with the high-pressure system to the south the atmospheric river was guided into California. 

San Francisco received over 4 inches of rain in a single day, ranking as the 4th most ever recorded. But we can’t blame global warming More and stronger rainfalls happened in the cooler 1800s. 

The great flood of 1862 was caused by an atmospheric river’s rain on snow event in the sierra Nevada that resulted in the downstream flooding of Sacramento. By studying the amounts of sediments delivered by heavy river flows into the Santa Barbara basin and san Francisco Bay, scientist have identified floods caused by past atmospheric rivers. During the cooler times of the Little Ice Age between 1300 and 1860s ad, California experienced several atmospheric river-induced megafloods. The greatest of all in over 2000 years happened in 1605. 

So why so many mega-floods during the cooler little ice age?

The best explanation suggests as El Ninos and La Ninas and the associated pacific decadal oscillation alter the sea surface temperatures, The pressure systems align accordingly 

Although debated, most researchers have determined that during the Little Ice Age the Pacific Ocean existed mostly in an el Nino-like condition with more rainfall over the eastern pacific due to warmer surface temperatures In combination with more atmospheric rivers initiating from a warmer eastern pacific, the research by Zhou 2019 shows El Nino-like conditions configure the cyclonic low-pressure systems and anticyclonic high-pressure systems to drive more atmospheric rivers into California 

During La Nina-like conditions, the eastern Pacific is cooler and the western pacific is warmer. This promotes more atmospheric rivers beginning in the western pacific warm pool.

In combination with the resulting changes in the pressure systems, more atmospheric rivers are guided northward into British Columbia and California becomes drier. 

During La Ninas the resulting warming of the western pacific warm pool also promotes more atmospheric rivers into the southern hemisphere, One which recently flooded Australia’s Brisbane region. The configuration of pressure systems focused that atmospheric river onto Brisbane and its surrounding regions, bringing a record 24.1 inches of rain in just 3 days 

But that is not the record rainfall for Brisbane’s watershed. 

As has been the case so often, It was during cooler times, that a stronger atmospheric river inundated the region. In 1893, In the nearby town of Crohamhurst a record 35.7 inches of rain fell in just one day. 

So, make no mistake. As experts have warned, megafloods are coming, with the same devastating force as they have in the past. Climate models predict worse atmospheric rivers due to increased evaporation and the atmosphere’s greater moisture capacity from global warming, but satellite data contradicts those claims, making forecasts based on global warming useless. 

And data from the little ice age shows atmospheric rivers are independent of global warming. However, on the good side, forecasting the location of devastating floods maybe more predictable because the path of hurricanes and atmospheric rivers are, modulated by natural oscillations and their effect on observable guiding pressure systems, But despite better weather forecasting, the real worry is people continue to colonize more and more flood plains, putting themselves in harm’s way. 

If you live in a flood plain, cutting your CO2 emissions won't stop the floods. The wisest plan is to move to higher ground or else keep reinforcing your levees.

Monday, February 21, 2022




below is the transcript

Welcome back to this examination of Half Truths About Retreating Glaciers in part 6 of How Pressure Systems Control Climate.

There is no question what-so-ever that most of the world's glaciers have been retreating. However because the elites at believe rising CO2 is causing all the earth's warming, they mistakenly assume it iscan also be blamed for retreating glaciers, stating

"the most dramatic evidence that earth's climate is warming is the retreat and disappearance of mountain glaciers around the world."

So, the public is fed half-truths about a CO2 climate crisis causing glacier retreat.

In contrast, there is wealth of opposing, peer-reviewed, published, scientific evidence demonstrating that changing patterns of moisture transport control the ebbs and flows of glaciers - not global average temperature. So here I will share just a small portion of that science for you to follow.

Just consider that Greenland's Jakobshavn glacier retreated by half its length before 1851 during cooler times. Clearly dynamics other than warming are in play, dynamics shamefully downplayed or not discussed at all by mainstream media.

A growing number of scientists have been questioning the dogma that the Little Ice Age's glacier growth and subsequent retreat, was driven by changing temperature. As Norwegian glacier expert Atle Nesje queried

"The Little Ice Age - only temperature?

In that regard climate scientist Michael Mann wrote, "the little ice age was a time of modest cooling of the northern hemisphere by about 0.6 degrees Celsius." those centuries may have been "more significant in terms of increased climate variability."

Climate scientist Christian Vincent questioned why the Alp's glaciers began retreating in early 1800s before any global warming had begun and concluded decreasing winter precipitation caused glacier retreats.

Glaciers can be characterized by two different but intimately linked zones.

The ablation zone is located at the lower end of a glacier, there, snow and ice are lost during the warm summer melt season. So, some scientists argue glaciers are retreating because CO2 global warming is increasing ablation.

At the top of a glacier is the colder accumulation zone where snow and ice are added to a glacier. When there is less replenishment of ice in the accumulation zone due to decreased precipitation, less ice is transported downslope causing the ablation zone to retreat.

Thus, less precipitation can cause retreating glaciers even when temperatures are not warming.

A group of Swiss climate scientists led by HansPeter Holzhauser published that the period of Little Ice Age glacier growth in the Alps (illustrated by black silhouettes) correlated with periods of heavy rainfall and high lake levels (illustrated by the shaded regions)

Three periods of high lake levels corresponded with peak glacier growth while glacier retreats correlated with lower lake levels.

In the paper "solving the paradox of the end of the little ice age in the Alps," Vincent reported that our current retreat of alpine glaciers had resulted from a 25+% decrease in winter precipitation since 1830.

Norwegian glacier expert Atle Nesje argued the North Atlantic Oscillation determines which regions receive glacier sustaining moisture, by shifting the pathways of the moisture- bearing westerly winds.

During the oscillation's negative phase, the Azore High- and Iceland-Low pressure systems weaken and shift southward, diverting moist westerly winds towards southern Europe.

During the positive phase those pressure systems intensify and shift the winds northward towards Scandinavia. In the positive phase, precipitation is diverted away from southern Europe causing its glaciers to retreat, while simultaneously redirecting moisture to the Scandinavian coast where glaciers were growing since 1967.

The North Atlantic Oscillation can shift phases from month to month but on average can favor one phase for decades or centuries.

During the little ice age, the scientific consensus suggests the North Atlantic Oscillation was primarily in its negative phase, accounting for the growing glaciers in southern Europe. But since at least 1920, it has been in the positive phase more often, accounting for the high percentage of retreating Alpine glaciers

Between 1950 and 1980, during a slightly more more negative phase of the oscillation the number of advancing Alpine glaciers increased to over 60%. But with a return to a more positive phase, fewer than 5% of the Alps’ glaciers are now observed advancing and most are retreating.

Due to the surprising denial of precipitation effects on glaciers, politicians and climate crisis promoters argued rising CO2 would cause the extinction of Mount Kilimanjaro’s glacier before 2020.

However, based on past lake levels, such as nearby Lake Naivasha’s, precipitation changes correlate with the ebbs and flows of Kilimanjaro’s glacier.

1000 years ago, during the Medieval Warm Period this region of Africa was much drier than today, and the existing glacier of that time likely disappeared.

Then during the Little Ice Age, coinciding with sunspot minimums the Intertropical Convergence Zone migrated southward, the region experienced increasing rainfall and a new glacier evolved, reaching its maximum area by the late 1700s.

In 2007, glacier expert Douglas Hardy summarized the research indicating Kilimanjaro’s current glacier is only about 50-200 years old, in agreement with the timing of Lake Naivasha’s high stand.

Similarly, research by Cullen (2006) concluded glaciers on Kilimanjaro are merely remnants of a past climate rather than a sensitive indicator of 20th century climate change

Curiously, over the past 4 years as sunspots approach a century low, lake Naivasha’s lake levels have been increasing along with increased snowfall on Kilimanjaro. So, keep an eye out for how Kilimanjaro responds. It certainly hasn’t disappeared as Al Gore or Michael Mann predicted.

By ignoring the precipitation dynamics of previous centuries click-bait media uses graphs like this to suggest the glacier may soon disappear and incorrectly blame CO2 warming.

The climate crisis narratives typically fail to report renowned glacier expert Georg Kaser's 2010 explanation of that decline stating, "the near extinction of Kilimanjaro’s plateau ice in modern times is controlled by the absence of regional wet periods rather than changes in local air temperature on the peak of Kilimanjaro."

A 2019 study led by Kevin Anchukaitis used drought proxy data to determine regions of high rainfall and snowpack (here illustrated in blue) and regions of drought illustrated in brown

They found a strong correlation with weak solar output (the sunspot minimums), the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Little Ice Age glacier advances in southern Europe, Alaska, and northwestern North America

When the North Atlantic Oscillation changed to its positive phase, wet regions switched to dry regions, with resulting glacier retreats.

Glacier National Park, on the USA-Canadian border, sits at a pivot point of the North Atlantic Oscillation's wet/dry see saw.

The park's largest glacier, the Sperry, reached its maximum size in the mid 1800s during the wet negative phase. The ensuing drought conditions when the North Atlantic Oscillation switched to its positive phase, caused the Sperry to lose 62% of its area between 1850 and 1945.

Further north, the mysterious retreat of Alaska’s Glacier Bay glaciers highlighted another dynamic.

In 1794 the Vancouver expedition reported the entire bay was covered by a large tidewater glacier with its ocean outlet at Icy Strait choked with ice

Eighty-five years later in 1879, before global warming had begun, John Muir visited Glacier Bay to find the glacier had retreated a whopping 48 miles.

By 1916 the bay's main glacier had retreated an additional 17 miles Why such a rapid retreat in cooler times?

To complicate matters, there are still glaciers that are currently growing despite warmer temperatures.

The Johns Hopkins glacier has been advancing since 1929.

The Margerie glacier flows downslope at a rate of 2000 feet per year where its terminus maintains a stable position by calving ice bergs into the bay.

The Brady Glacier had advanced between 1794 and 1961 and is now relatively stable

The key to understanding these contrasting fluctuations is that the non-retreating glaciers have accumulation zones at elevations above 10,000 feet or 3 kilometers.

Livia Jakob’s 2021 study of glacier behavior in the Gulf of Alaska since 2010 showed contrasting glacier fluctuations were a function of elevation. Glacier Bay is fed by glaciers in the St Elias mountains (shown here in orange)

Glaciers originating in the higher elevation mountains are stable or gaining ice over the past decade as seen by the green trend lines in the St Elias Mountains and the Alaska Range mountains.

In contrast, glaciers at lower elevations are losing ice, the reds and yellow trend lines. Coincidentally, most of the small glaciers that once contributed to the glacier that had filled Glacier Bay and seen during the Vancouver expedition, had accumulation zones below 10,000 feet.

Clearly, in addition to precipitation amounts, glacier growth and retreat are functions of elevation

Why is an elevation of 3 km or 10,000 feet so critical at Glacier Bay?

Snow forms when water vapor freezes and freezing temperatures are typically encountered at 10,000 feet and above. For snow to accumulate on a mountain slope, local air temperatures must remain below freezing all the way to the surface.

However, during the summer, Glacier Bay's average high surface temperatures are above freezing in August through October, just when peak precipitation occurs.

Using a moist lapse rate of 2.7 ºF cooling for every 1000-foot increase in altitude, we can calculate the elevation where snow will accumulate each month.

The minimal freezing elevation for August is 10,300 feet, it's 7,700 feet for September and 4,800 feet in October

Atmospheric rivers carry the bulk of moisture from the tropics to the higher latitudes. Where atmospheric rivers make landfall is determined by the seasonal position of the Pacific’s high- and low-pressure systems.

The more northerly position of the Pacific High-pressure system during summer guides more atmospheric rivers into the Gulf of Alaska during August through October. Accordingly, Glacier Bay's peak precipitation happens during September and October.

But landfall of relatively warm atmospheric rivers has dramatically different effects on snowpack at different elevations. Atmospheric rivers increase snowpack above the freezing elevations but reduce snowpack at lower elevations. The near total reduction of snowpack by a warm atmospheric river, has been well documented from Greenland to California’s sierra Nevada.

Without accounting for elevation freezing points such contrasting effects have caused some correlational studies to mistakenly suggest precipitation has no significant effect on a glaciers overall growth.

The moisture transport to the Himalayan glaciers is more complicated.

The greatest accumulation of ice in the Mount Everest region is driven by summer monsoons. And similar to northwestern North America’s glaciers, El Ninos and La Ninas will cause decadal ebbs and flows of moisture transport to those glaciers.

In contrast, the Karakorum mountains receive little moisture from the summer monsoons but more moisture from the winter westerly winds, causing the Karakorum glaciers to react differently than eastern Himalayan glaciers

Nonetheless, a multitude of researchers such as Shekhar (2017) and Singh 2020. They have reported a long-term drying trend that began in the late phases of the Little Ice Age causing retreating Himalayan glaciers before the rise of industrial CO2.

Climate expert Tapio Schneider's 2014 research described how the Intertropical Convergence Zone migrated southward during the Little Ice Age, weakening the Asian monsoons supply of summer moisture to Himalayan glaciers

Jian Hui Chen's 2019 study detailed, how the north Atlantic oscillation affects moisture transport to the Himalaya. As the Little Ice Age ITCZ and associated pressure systems shifted southward, a wavier jet stream brought more moisture to the Himalaya and Tibetan plateau via the westerly winds.

As solar irradiance rebounded from its depths during the Maunder sunspot minimum, the ITCZ and associated pressure systems began migrating northward, also driving the jet stream northward and reducing moisture transport to the Himalaya.

The interplay of these conflicting dynamics makes it difficult to predict future glacier changes in the Himalaya.

Nonetheless, the politically driven United Nations Environmental Programme, or UNEP argues the decline of Himalayan glaciers are a "clear indicator of [CO2] climate change" and an "obvious indicator of warming temperatures" and they provide this illustration to support their narrative.

However, their bias is immediately obvious.

They illustrate a strong decline in 3 Karakorum glaciers, but just one stable glacier and one that is slightly gaining ice. In contrast, glacier expert Melanie Rankl's 2014 study reported nearly 80% of Karakorum’s glaciers were stable, 5% were advancing and only 7.6% were retreating.

Furthermore, due to a dearth of long-term surveys, most of the Himalayan retreating trends begin around 1960, and that provides the misleading optics used to support a narrative of human-caused CO2 warming. UNEP provides only 2 trends beginning around 1850, and those clearly demonstrate glacier retreats began before global warming.

The United Nations is disturbingly spreading mis-information by not informing the public about the well-documented drying trends that initiated glacier retreat before rising CO2.

But then again, I expect nothing less from an agenda-driven organization that brings a sixteen- year-old actress front and center to brow beat the public about climate science.

Tibet's ancient holy mother, Quomalangma, also known as Mt Everest, further illustrates why retreating glaciers are a function of less precipitation.

As Franco Salerno published in 2015, 75% of Quomalangma's glaciers reside between elevations of 5000 meter (16,500 feet) and 6500 meters (21,300 feet). This happens because atmospheric temperatures do not drop below the freezing point until elevations of 5000 meters and higher.

Glacier accumulation zones are fed by monsoonal moisture peaking in July and August. Accumulation zones must be above 5000 meters as summer monsoonal flows raise the surface temperatures above freezing at 5000 meters. However, measurements reveal precipitation at high elevations was just half of what it had been 20 years before Salerno's study.

That fact led Salerno to conclude their research “Challenges the assumption that temperature is the main driver of glacier mass changes.”

So, what does the future hold for the Earth's glaciers?

Understanding that moisture transport, not global average temperature, controls glacier growth, suggests they are not in crisis

A return to the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation would reverse the retreat of many of the world's glaciers.

Although glacier lengths may shrink, accumulation zones will survive where there is adequate precipitation.

El Nino and La Ninas and other natural oscillations will affect storm tracks causing decadal ebbs and flows of regional glaciers

But the ultimate control will be determined by solar effects on the ITCZ’s latitude and its associated pressure systems. While changes in sunspots and irradiance are unpredictable, the orbital influence of the obliquity cycle suggests the ITCZ will continue to move southward for another 10,000 years causing Little Ice Age-like growth of the world's glaciers.

Up next: part 7: Floods